The time we had green fingers!

Another month, another fun filled Pimms and Needles meeting we have had! For all of our flower loving members, me included, this meeting was right up our street because we got to create our own hanging baskets!


I don't know about you but I love Spring/Summer purely to see the flowers blooming and the array of bright, bold colours they bring to a garden. Cannot beat it in my eyes so when this night came about, I was itching to get started and stare at the pretty plants!

We definitely got our hands dirty during this meeting...

First things first, a massive thank you to Ravensworth Nurseries for joining us to teach us all about our hanging baskets as well as all the lovely plants and baskets for us! Also to everyone who helped out organising this and helped on the night, tidying up and serving teas!

On with the meeting itself, we started as we always do with Donna and Charlotte making us exciting for the night ahead, any upcoming meetings and of course, the exciting and rather fabulous Pimms and Needles Fest, that is coming up next month! I will do a separate blog post about the festival so keep an eye out for that!

Now it was time to get down to business and get our hands dirty. The ladies at Ravensworth demonstrated how to create the perfect hanging basket and I must say I was eager to get started after this, they made it look so easy!

Filling up our baskets with soil that we couldn't even carry them as they were that heavy, it was time to get our gardening gloves on and dig our hands through the soil like there was no tomorrow. The variety of plants, colours and heights in the selection we had was so good, picking which ones to put in the baskets was hard as I wanted them all!

But we got there and it was so nice walking around the room, looking at how different but how amazing everyone's baskets looked! To see all the colour combinations and all the flowers in their glory, there was something so peaceful yet chaotic about it all. Plus the fact that I think there was more soil on the floor then in the actual hanging baskets! It was messy but SO much fun!

Here are just some of the lovely, very filled hanging baskets we made on the night!


I, for one, couldn't wait until I got home so I could hang my basket up, I am really happy with it and it brings a bit of colour to the house. Who doesn't love flowers outside the house though?!

Well there you have it, we are now gardening professionals and just in time for summer!

 Don't forget to follow our social media for more updates and pictures of our fun filled meetings!
Until next time x


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