Welcome to Pimms and Needles online!

Launched in September 2015, Pimms and Needles is an independent women's group like no other. Set up by Donna and Charlotte, it is bringing ladies from all walks of life together in a friendly and fun environment, where things are very hands on!

And this is where me and this blog comes in. I am Caroline and as a Pimms and Needles member myself from the very beginning, this website is going to be a place where you can read all about the fabulous meetings, any information about future events (I think) and as I type out this really short post out, maybe a post every month about a member of the group (why they joined, why they love coming, their favourite event so far, what they would love to do in a future meeting) but I will have to see about the latter one!

So basically that is it! Welcome to Pimms and Needles online, ain't this fancy?!

Don't forget to follow our social media for more updates and pictures of our fun filled meetings!

Until next time! x


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